Sunday, July 1, 2012

Kong Hee and Me

Much has been written on Ps. Kong Hee’s arrestment this week. I could not even begin to describe how I feel about the incident. Suddenly it seems everybody has something to say. The web is herded with various thought - from cheers to jeers and tons of empty noises. Nevertheless, there exist wise and worthy advices. After poring over this, I thought it might be more meaningful to pen this as a reflection. This is certainly important for me personally and I hope you would do similarly for yourself – regardless of what the outcome may turn out to be.

·         Ultimate Trust
Who do I ultimately trust in my life? There are hundreds, if not thousands, allegiances thrown in throughout this whole case. I think it is acceptable to affirm one’s loyalty and faith in a leader, especially whose life has shown consistent patterns. However, I realize the degree of “trust” that I submit to a person is inequitable to my trust in God. When my mother says that she trusts I would not harm anyone, it is still a hopeful thinking. It is totally not the same as saying that God would not harm anyone. This means I would potentially not harm anyone, but I still have the capacity to do it. On the other hand, it is not even in God’s innate nature to harm anyone at all. It is a possibility compared to a surety. It is relative versus absolute. To this question, I cannot say I ultimately trust in nobody because in that case it would exclude me as the statement-maker. Unfortunately, it is impossible also to say I ultimately trust in me because (with all honesty) perhaps I fail more frequently than I wish. Who do you ultimately trust in your life?

·         The State and the Church
Is this a case of the state versus the church? I definitely disagree to view this as a persecution to the church. No doubt that the church has been put in the limelight in this whole situation. However, it is essential for Christians to respond appropriately to this challenge. If I see this as the people against the church, I would isolate myself for awesome opportunity to share the Christ in me. To me, this is a golden opportunity to answer the world’s questions (or even challenges) of my faith and beliefs. Now in regards to the state, just like any other creation, it has been created by Christ, through Christ, and for Christ (Col. 1:16). As Gutenson in Christians and the Common Good rightly noted,” The ordination of ruling institutions, aimed to serve the divine intent, is a common theme within Scripture…. There is, however, a right and reasonable division of labor between church on the one hand and public policies and institutions on the other…  It is not a division that puts one over against the other but rather one that allows the two to complement each other.” I should not view the state as enemy of the church, but rather a partner. Nevertheless, it goes without saying that the state is not an unqualified institution whose existence must be corroborated by its outcome like creating orders, increasing welfare, and protecting safety. To me, it is unbiblical to place the state on the opposite side of the fence.  I definitely agree with Stalker’s thought, “Though the primary aim of Christ’s religion is to make good men, yet good men ought to be good citizens.” (Imago Christi)

·         Nothing but the Truth
What will be my respond when the truth confronts me? Once I heard an adage that goes like this: “We smile when the truth reveals itself, but cringe when the truth reveals us. We welcome the truth when it simply enlightens us, but reject when it demands of us.” I was personally curious to find out what actually happened. I was aghast with the reported news, but then confused with the rebuttal. I realize how easy for me to throw in opinions and comments as long as this incident doesn’t affect me directly. I am not the one to be tried, but what if I am to be tried. What if you will be tried too? Whether it is in the court of man or the court of God, the truth is that I will eventually be held accountable for all my actions. The truth is that I have fallen short of the perfect standard and for that I deserve judgment. The truth is that there is no way I can make it right before my Creator. The truth is that only my Creator can make me blameless  without simply dismissing my wrongs. The truth is that Someone else has taken all my punishments. The truth is that I was wrong and Jesus made me right. Out of this chaos and confusion, my prayer is that more people would have encounter with the Truth, so that the Truth can set them free.

I guess whatever the outcome – conviction or vindication – is not as important as what essentially happens to me. Thousands more world-shattering news can happen tomorrow, but if we miss the opportunity to evaluate and reflect the implication to our lives, then they are meaningless. It is easy for me to spend minutes and then hours on worthless affections. I hope you see God and be drawn to Him in the midst of all these.

“ He has told you, O man, what is good;
And what does the Lord require of you.
But to do justice, to love kindness,
And to walk humbly with your God?”
(Micah 6:8)